Monday, August 30, 2010

When Failure is Not an Option

What makes a successful blogger successful? Is it the time they put into it? Or who they know and associate with? Or maybe they just have a lucky charm and the world falls into their lap? All of these may contribute to their success, but for this post let’s say they’ve taken failure out of the equation; it’s not an option for them.

Does that sound strange or even hokey? It’s not as weird as you might think. Go back to childhood for a minute. Did you learn to ride or bike or play an instrument or anything else that took practice and determination? Of course you did. How did you succeed at it? Well you had the determination to get it right. You didn’t want to be the only kid on the block with training wheels, so you kept at it until you got it right. But, what really happened in the back of your mind was that you removed failure as an option. You didn’t even let that thought cross your mind. Kids are great like that aren’t they? They don’t see obstacles—all they see is the prize at the end of the rainbow. It’s pretty simple, but often the adult brain sees all the obstacles and not the rainbow.

Think of an athlete who runs track and jumps hurdles. Do they let the hurdles stop or slow them down? Are they focused on the hurdles or the finish line? They visually see the hurdle and know they must get over it, but their focus is on the finish line; the trophy at the end of the race. By doing this (and practicing) they merely glide over the hurdle like it isn’t even there.

Everything you do in life should be the same way, even blogging. Are you letting the hurdles stand in your way of success? Are you focusing on the end result or all the little nit-picky stuff in the middle?

Until you change your focus to the big picture, it’s likely you will keep self-sabotaging yourself and not see the success you desire. Change your focus to what you want to accomplish at the end, not the journey to get there. Think BIG—think as big as you can. Just by shifting your thinking and focus to the goal, you will start to glide over the hurdles like they don’t exist. Not only that, it will lower your stress level of worrying if you’ve done everything right.

Remove failure from the equation, it’s not an option for success.

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