Showing posts with label WordPress Plugins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WordPress Plugins. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Use WP Spire to Power Sales Pages

The great thing about WordPress is that it is such a robust content management system and while it is fantastic for blogging, it is a platform that can also be used for other purposes. You just need to add the right tools and modifications to make it work.

From an Internet marketing perspective, one of the more interesting products is WordPress Spire. Available as a WordPress plugin or as a WordPress theme, this product can effectively let you create multiple WordPress sales pages, landing pages, and squeeze pages.

Multiple Designs for Multiple Purposes

You may have encountered some other products that allow you to use WordPress to power your sales page, but WordPress Spire goes a little further than that by offering a huge range of design options.

The sales page design is easily configurable to include custom backgrounds, different page widths, different headers, footers, image boxes, and other features. You can also use it to generate landing pages, squeeze pages, and even mini-sites.

Going further, the same domain can be used for multiple sales pages, each with a different design. This is particularly powerful if you have a single brand to promote multiple products. Each WordPress post can be its own sales page, looking totally different from the other posts on your single WordPress installation.

A Simplified User Interface

Dealing with messy HTML and PHP code is a thing of the past. Yes, the coders still have to deal with that kind of thing, but the “end user” webmaster can get a lot going on with much easier to understand menus.

This is the case with WordPress Spire too. The various theme options and features can all be accessed through the WordPress dashboard. Click on the appropriate menu item, access the right section, and you can change just about everything you want.

It is here that you can add and remove things like opt-in boxes, testimonial boxes, and header images. To add these to your posts, for instance, all you have to do is make use of the numerous shortcodes that are included with the themes.

Combine with Split-Testing for Optimal Results

Want to see which designs work the best for your purposes? Since all you need is a single WordPress installation with WordPress Spire, you can make use of some great split-testing to see what design elements result in the best conversion rates.

The options and features in WordPress Spire are easy enough to change, so you really can try a range of different designs without dabbling too deeply into the raw code. If you’re an Internet marketer looking for an easier way to develop sales pages and squeeze pages, WordPress Spire looks like a good bet.

The theme version is currently on sale for $77, representing a $50 savings from the regular price of $127. This grants you a license for unlimited installations on your own personally-owned sites.

Link: WordPress Spire

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