Showing posts with label build successful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label build successful. Show all posts

Thursday, February 3, 2011

7 Signs Your Blog is Bound to Fail

There are rules to everything if you truly want to succeed; blogging also is not exempted and there are several rules you should follow if you truly want to build a successful blog. Some people are not aware of these rules and some people see them as unimportant and this only leads their blogs to failure.

Bloggers make a lot of mistakes and there is nothing bad in making mistakes because mistakes are one of those things that make us human. However, there are also some very deadly mistakes we shouldn’t make as a blogger. This post will be talking about 7 signs that show that your blog is bound to fail.

1. Your Writing Sucks

Many people make a great mistake of thinking that what matters most when trying to build a successful blog is how they market their blog, but they’re so wrong. Quality content is the foundation of every successful blog and there is now how you can escape this. If you can’t write then you can’t succeed as a blogger.

I was once of the notion that marketing and promotion is all that matters when it comes to blogging; how wrong I was! I learned the hard way that content is what matters most when I wrote a guest post that sent me over 1000 visitors in one day and I was unable to retain at least 50 of those visitors.

2. You Believe Marketing is Unimportant

Another major mistake many bloggers make that end up costing them their blogging career is being of the notion that marketing is unimportant. It doesn’t matter how great or unique your content is, you need people to read it, you need people to spread the word about it and you need people to give you their opinion about it.

Your content is only the beginning and foundation of your blog, you need marketing to get to greater heights.

3. Inconsistency on Your Part as a Blogger

Being inconsistent is also a very deadly mistake most bloggers make. Your readers see you as a leader and they expect you to meet some standards, one of those standards is being consistent with the content you produce on your blog. You shouldn’t just write on your blog once in a month and then start writing everyday; if you want to be posting when you like, stick to it, and if you want to be posting 3 times a week make sure you also stick to it.

4. You Don’t Care About Your Design

Sure! It is content that matters (or at least I have heard that several times) but that also doesn’t make your design unimportant. A lot of bloggers make a very grievous mistake of thinking that all they need to do is put their best in their content and forget about the rest. Doing something like this might seem fine, naturally, but the outcome used to be more dangerous than expected.

Your content is really important but another thing of more importance is how you present your content. Your design makes your content more beautiful, attractive and presentable so you should make sure you give the best of your content.

5. Only Caring About the Ephemeral

Some bloggers also make a great mistake of only caring about the present and completely forgetting the future. As a blogger, your future is far more important than your present and a wise blogger will always make sure he is the one who determines his future.

One great example of this mistake is focusing on getting more traffic than focusing on getting more subscribers. Your daily visitors can stop visiting your blog anytime or they can easily forget about your blog but your subscribers will always get your content no matter what and catering for them is the best way to secure your future.

6. You Take it Solo All the Time

Many bloggers also make this mistake without being aware of the future consequences. In the beginning, even God knew the importance of partnership and being together and that is why he created a woman to support man. You won’t go far doing everything on your own; you will need to launch a product, do one thing or the other which you can’t do all alone and utilizing the power of networking is a great way to get all these done without hassles.

7. You Are Too Selfish

Selfishness is a killer and it has crept into the lives of many bloggers unaware. If everything you think about when it comes to your blog is yourself you should know for sure that the funeral of your blog is around the corner. A wise man will put himself and other people around him into consideration before doing anything. Any decision you will make about your blog that will only benefit is very dangerous and you should make sure you rethink it to see if it is for the best; otherwise, drop it!

Over to You

The above signs are deadly signs of blog about to fail, if you’re a blogger make sure you spread the word about this post so that others can be aware of these mistakes. Also make sure you share this post on your favorite social bookmarking and networking sites.

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