Showing posts with label quality content. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quality content. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

15 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Blogging

start bloggingI built my first blog back in 2005, and today a large part of my online income is generated from my blogs. Over these years I made many mistakes and figured some things out. Below you’ll find 15 of them.

1. The domain name matters

When I started blogging I didn’t pay much attention to the domains of my blogs. As a result I ended up with some long and boring domains (e.g.,, which was my first tech blog). This is a big mistake because the domain is one of the few factors you won’t be able to change.

The rule of thumb I use these days is to look for domains with two words, branding potential and a .com extension. If I wanted to start a soccer blog, for instance, I would consider domains such as, and so on. Most of the times I am also willing to spend some money on the domain (e.g., $200-$500), because finding available ones that fit the above requirements is tough.

2. Quality is more important than quantity

As you can guess by the name of this blog, I have always been a big fan of quantity when it comes to content creation. Over the years, however, my opinion has changed a bit.

I still believe that you need to update your blog regularly if you want it to be come popular, but quality should be your first priority. If you only have two hours to spend writing content every week, for example, I would recommend you to spend all the time writing a single, high quality post, instead of writing four small posts to be published on different days.

3. It is about the readers, and not about yourself

If you are blogging as a hobby, then writing about whatever you feel like is fine. If you are trying to build a popular blog and to eventually make money with it, however, you need to be more conscious about the type of content you’ll publish.

More specifically you need to understand that your content should be appealing and interesting to your readers above all, and not to yourself. It’s about them, and not about you.

4. Social media can be a waste of time, too

Social media certainly became a buzz word over the past years, and people seem to think that they need to have a presence and be active on every single social media site out there. I joined the bandwagon for a while, but then realized I was just wasting my time.

I am not saying social media is useless, but that you need to have the right approach to it, else you’ll just waste your time. For instance, instead of joining every single social network out there join one or two at most, where you think your target readers/customers hang out, and where you think you’ll be able to add value and build real relationships.

5. The Pareto principle applies to anything, blogging included

I have a degree in Economics, so I learned about the Pareto principle years ago. It basically states that for many events and things in life, 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. For example, 80% of the land in the world is owned by 20% of the people, and 80% of the revenues on most companies come from 20% of the customers.

After some years I realized that the Pareto principle also applies to blogging. This means that 80% of your results (e.g., traffic or revenue gains) will come from 20% of your blogging activities. What are these activities? Writing quality content and promoting that content. If you focus on these, the rest will come naturally.

6. You need a community around your blog

Apart from writing quality content and promoting that content, there is one more activity that is very important for your blog, and that is community building. It’s important because without a community your blog will not be a blog, but rather a website with some articles.

Your community will enrich your content (through comments and email feedback), keep you motivated, help to promote your blog by spreading the word and so on.

Practically speaking this means that you should engage your readers with your content (e.g., by using polls, surveys, asking questions and so on), and that you should interact with them as often as possible (e.g., via comments, email, Twitter and so on).

7. Having an email list is essential

When I started, around 5 years ago, I didn’t know what email marketing was. After two years or so I started joining the email list of other marketers, but until then I had not considered building my own.

It was a big mistake.

A responsive email list is one of the most valuable assets you can have. And mind you that you won’t be using it to spam people, but rather to deliver quality content that will solidify your relationship with your subscribers.

8. Giving away free stuff works like a charm

Over the years I have tried many types of promotions, from interviews to viral videos and linkbaits. One technique always seemed to work, though, and it was giving away free stuff.

I have given away WordPress themes, ebooks, plugins, and more recently my entire Internet marketing training program, and the results I got always exceeded my expectations. If I knew this back in the day I would have used it more often.

9. You need to think about the business model

If you want to make money with your blog, you need to start thinking about your business model right away. That is, you need to have an idea or a plan regarding how you’ll produce value, and how you are going to get paid for that.

Having this clear in your mind will help you craft your content, target the right readers, design your blog around your goals and so on.

10. Selling ads is not the best business model

When people start blogging they believe that the best, if not the only way to make money with it is by selling ads. This is not true.

Selling ads might be the easiest way to make money with a blog, but it’s definitely not the most profitable one.

On most niches selling your own product will be the most profitable model you can have, followed by selling other people’s products (i.e., affiliate marketing), so make sure to consider these at least.

11. Shared hosting sucks

When I started my first blogs I obviously went with a shared hosting plan, and since I couldn’t compare it with anything else I thought it was a decent option.

A couple of years later I moved to a dedicated server, and only then I realized how bad shared hosting plans are. The slow loading speeds, the downtimes, the security holes created by other users on your server….

I know we all must start on shared hosting, but as soon as your blog start making some money (e.g., $300 per month or so), consider investing half of that into a dedicated server.

12. Checking your stats daily is pointless

When you build your first website or blog you start checking your stats at least daily (some people go further and check them hourly….). Every new visitor is a joy, and a sign that you are doing something right.

The problem with this is that you are wasting time. Every minute you spending checking your stats is one fewer minute you have to work on actually get more visitors. On top of that daily fluctuations might give you the wrong idea of what is going on.

My advice would be to check your stats monthly.

13. It takes persistence

Everything happens really fast on the Internet, and when you start building your first websites you figure that they will sky rocket (both in terms of traffic and revenues) within a couple of months.

The reality is quite the opposite. While it’s possible, very few websites become popular or profitable before one or two years. If you want to play the game, therefore, come with the right expectations, else you’ll get frustrated and quit too soon.

14. Choosing the right niche is important

Choosing the right niche is critical if you want your blog to become popular and profitable. Sure, you should follow your passion (as you probably heard around…), but you should also make sure your niche is big enough to generate the kind of revenues you are aiming for.

Also remember that some niches will always be more profitable than others, regardless of their sizes. That is because people inside those niches actually buy stuff, so money circulates more freely.

15. Learning the technical part helps a lot

The Internet technology has advanced so much that today anyone can build a blog or website in 5 minutes, with no technical knowledge whatsoever. As long as you know how to read, you are good to go.

This is certainly a positive thing, as it democratizes the access to information and to publishing.

If you want to make a living online, however, it would be a good idea to spend some time learning the technical part. Start with HTML/CSS, and if you have time try learning JavaScript, PHP and MySQL.

Over to the Readers

What about you? What do you wish you knew when you started blogging?

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Monday, September 13, 2010

The 3 Basic Funnels to Blogging Success

Onibalusi Bamidele is a 16 year old entrepreneur living the internet lifestyle, subscribe to his blog for more great blog posts.

I am sure you would have heard the word funnel once or twice before in relation to making money online. I’d like to define a funnel (in relation to making money online) as a system with which you can cash in income from your online business or as the basic steps you need to go through in order to get the best from your online business.

This post will be explaining the system used by many successful bloggers and internet marketers to make money online.

1. Build a Great Blog

The first and most important step in this funnel is to build a great blog for your online business. It is very important to note that setting up a blog is not only what it takes but having a blog that fulfills all the characteristics of a successful blog.

How Do You Build a Great Blog?

i. Quality Content: There are several things to consider when building a great blog for your online business and one of the most important things that should not be neglected is your content. Your content has a great way to affect the results you get and I’ve seen blogs that went from nowhere to overnight success just because of the valuable content they provide.

There are many benefits in writing great content when trying to build your blog, and one of those benefits is that it helps people develop trust in you. If you blog about a product, the factor determining the number of sales you will make is not only your audience but the type of trust you’ve developed with them.

Another great benefit of writing great content on your blog is that it makes people spread the word about you.

ii. Great Design: Another important aspect of your blog is your design. Aside from a great design being a very important aspect of a successful blog, it is also a very important aspect of our funnel (you’ll know why later).

One great characteristic of a great design is that it is easily navigable. You shouldn’t let your design make it difficult for your readers to read your content and you should also make it easy for them to locate everything they want.

If you take a look at the design of most successful blogs, aside it being unique and elegant, you will also discover it makes it easy for a reader to subscribe to their blog.

2. Attract Traffic to Your Blog

This is where many bloggers miss it, they will give the best of their content and expect people to come and read it without them doing anything to create awareness. Your content has no life of its own, except it is being read.

Even if your content will go viral, it still needs people to make it go viral.

There are several ways to get traffic to your blog and I will be listing 3 of the most effective ways to get traffic to your blog below:

i. Social Media: Making effective use of social media is one of the best ways to get traffic to your blog and this can explain why many social media sites are the top in the world.
ii. Guest Posting: Another great way to get the word out for your blog is by guest posting for other blogs in your niche and if done effectively, guest posting can be a great way to get traffic to your blog. When trying to guest post for other blogs, you don’t need to submit junk content because the blog is not your own. If you do that, several things may happen: either your post will get rejected by the blogger or you get little results from your guest posting efforts. Always try to give your best when guest posting for other blogs.
iii. SEO: Another great way to get free high quality traffic to your blog is by optimizing your blog for the search engines. Search engine traffic is a great type of traffic for several reasons. First, because it is highly targeted, and second, because it only requires little efforts from your part after which you can be getting results on autopilot.

3. Have a Backend

This is one thing I have noticed among every successful blogger, they all have a backend.

My definition for a backend is “a system that makes it easy for you to repeatedly get in touch with your readers after they stop visiting your blog”. There are two major types of backend namely “Your Mailing List” and “Your RSS Feed”, with the most effective one being a mailing list. There are several reasons why it is very important for you to have a backend. First, it makes it easier for you to get in touch with your readers anytime you want, and second it helps reduce your reliance on other forms of traffic. If you have a solid backend, you won’t worry about any fluctuation in search engine traffic and you won’t be afraid about losing traffic if you don’t post on your blog for a period of time. Another great importance of having a backend is that should anything happen to your blog thereby requiring you to start all over; you can still build upon your previous work since you can easily get in touch with your subscribers.

I will be writing about the 2 major types of backend below and which is the most important.

i. Your Mailing List: You would have heard it once or twice that the money is in the list. Having a mailing list is really very important and it is the best type of backend you can have. You can still do well with a lot of RSS subscribers but you will do better if you have a mailing list.

One great advantage of having a mailing list is that you can easily personalize the message your subscribers receive and you can easily send any message you want to them.

There have been many misconceptions to having a mailing list lately and this is why many people think having a mailing list is no longer effective. Having a mailing list is not the most important thing but how you deal with your mailing list; I will be giving some tips on how to get the best from your mailing list below.

- Trust Matters: One major thing you should focus on once you have successfully gotten someone on your list is building trust with them. Having a mailing list is not about you promoting offers every now and then, but you have to manage it effectively to get the best from it.

One of the best ways to build trust with your list is by making sure you provide value in every email you send. If you keep on helping people solve their problems and giving them high quality information in every one of your mails, it will be easier for them to take action anytime you recommend something to them.

- Frequency: While building trust with your list is very important, it is also very important to make sure you have the right frequency with your mailings. Don’t just be bombarding your readers with emails everyday but make effective use of every opportunity you have. You might truly be offering valuable information, but when you are bombarding your readers with too many mails (to add to the high number of daily emails they receive) they will begin to find it difficult to open your emails.

The frequency of your mail and your level of trust with your subscribers is really very important and if you could prove to them that they are in the right place, they won’t find it difficult to do what you say.

ii. Your RSS Feed: This is another form of a backend (especially for those who don’t believe in having a list – which is a very dangerous thing). It is very important to focus on building the number of your RSS subscribers because they are the ones who will be receiving each and every one of your posts.

One major way to increase the number of RSS subscribers you have is by making sure you have a visible subscription form on your sidebar (above the fold) and if possible, below your posts. It is also very important to educate your readers about it thereby letting them know the importance of receiving content using RSS feeds.


The above are 3 basic funnels to online business success and once you could put the above tips into practice, profiting from your blog wouldn’t be a problem.

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