Thursday, February 24, 2011

How to Get Blog Traffic That Sticks

One major priority of bloggers is getting traffic to their blogs but a lot of people make a great mistake nowadays, not because they don’t know how to get traffic but because they don’t know how to make their traffic stick. It doesn’t matter how many visitors you’re able to get to your blog there is no point in it if you’re unable to make them return.

While it is important to know that you can’t make 100% of the visitors to your blog stick you should also know that there are some things you can do to increase the likelihood of your blog visitors sticking.

Give Them What They Want

People are not visiting your blog for fun or because they want to make you happy but because they believe they can gain something from you. While it is possible for you to spend a lot of money on advertising your blog or to try several marketing strategies you can think of you should know that this won’t help you if your visitors don’t find anything valuable on your blog. The first step to making sure your blog visitors stick is by giving them what they want: this means you also have to know where they came from and why they’re reading your blog. If people are reading your blog because they want more information about home insurance you won’t have any luck giving them information about blogging and if people are visiting your blog in order to know about the latest fashion in town you won’t be able to make them stick by trying to teach them how to make money online.

Try to have a crystal clear understanding of what your readers want from your blog, if you aren’t sure about this you might want to survey them or even contact some of your major commenters to ask them what they’d like to be seeing more often on your blog. You will go really far if you can understand and meet the needs of your readers.

Get Them into a Funnel

Another sure fire way to make sure your blog visitors stick is by getting them into a funnel. This means you should try to know how they react to information and what is the best way they love to consume information. If your readers are tech savvy the best way to get them to continue to read your content might be by making them subscribe to your RSS feed and if you’re in the marketing niche or in a niche where people aren’t that tech savvy the best way to make sure your readers keep reading your content might be to make them subscribe to your email list.

Don’t rely on the thousands of daily visitors you’re getting because the source of that traffic may crumble: Google might stop sending you traffic one day and that big site that keeps sending you tons of visitors might one day stop, the only way to make sure you enjoy is by being in control. Start building a mailing list now and always ensure you do the best to make sure your readers always come back to your blog.

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