Showing posts with label john chow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label john chow. Show all posts

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How to Be a Remarkable Blogger

Have you ever thought about what it takes to build your blog above the norm and make it the envy of everybody? What it takes is being a remarkable blogger.

There are many debates in the blogosphere; some agree that content is king while others believe marketing is king. But the truth is that neither content nor marketing is king but the blogger himself. The blogger has to put the right balance between content and marketing which brings the need for being remarkable.

Be Unique and Personal

It is no doubt that John Chow and Darren Rowse are highly successful bloggers and their results are enviable but the truth is, trying to be John Chow or Darren Rowse won’t take you anywhere. Things would even be worse because a lot of people are already reading John Chow’s blog and your content will look boring to them should they come across your blog.

You are yourself and you won’t go far trying to be someone else. While there is nothing bad in looking up to a particular successful blogger and trying to be as successful as he is there is no point in copying everything that particular blogger is doing. The world already has one Darren Rowse and they don’t need another one but the world is yet to have YOU and they need YOU so try to be the master of your own ship. Let your unique traits and personality come through anything you do on your blog and it will be easier for you to achieve success.

Another thing worth noting is that there are countless regurgitated content on the web so make sure your blog posts are as unique as possible. Even though it is almost impossible to come up with a totally unique post you can give what has been said several times a new and unique spin and people will be happy to read it.

Be a Product of What You Teach

Just take a look at the blogosphere and you will notice that this is very common among bloggers. A lot of people are teaching you what they have no experience doing; someone who’s never made money online is teaching you how to make thousands of dollars online and someone who finds it difficult to get traffic is writing an ultimate guide on getting traffic to a blog. Things like this won’t take you far and people will easily see through you if all you do is preach what you aren’t.

You don’t necessarily need to start a blog in the make money online or blogging tips niche because those are not the only niches you can succeed in as a blogger but try to start a blog on what you are passionate and highly successful at. For example, if you are very good at football but you’ve never made any money online you will find it easier to be successful at blogging about football than blogging about making money online.

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Blog World Expo – Fo’ Real

If you're a blogger, you need to come to blog world expo!

This is going to my first year attending Blog world expo. I am excited to attend and learn how I can continue to grow this blog to an even more awesome level of awesome. Haha. ;)

This is also going to be my first time speaking at Blog world expo along side DK, Shoemoney, John Chow, Zac Johnson and Bryn. I think it's a panel where there will be Q&A and some other stuff. Should be a lot of fun!

Seriously though, blog world expo is the largest social media conference in the world (according to them) and just like every other conference, is all about the huge connections you can get there. So much of the things I have learned has come from being able to network with a ton of people.

I'm really looking forward to going and hanging out with: Shoemoney, John Chow, Problogger, DailyBlogTips, (lots more) and all of you who come!

I've been to Pubcon (just for DK's Poker Tourney), Affiliate Summit, and Ad:Tech. All are great and I will see how this one compares.

Lastly – if you book your tickets before 16 September there are some good discounts on tickets still available. Get all the details on the Blog World and New Media Expo Site and I hope to see you in Vegas!

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