Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Easy-to-Use Tool that Helps You Build a Breakthrough Blog

image of swiss army knife

As a digital branding and marketing agency, our company has encouraged, coached, and cajoled clients over the years on the importance of blogging for building traffic, buzz, and organic search.

We watched some clients grow by leaps and bounds, attracting hundreds of thousands of blog visitors per month.

And we watched others clients stumble along without ever gaining the momentum we were working for.

Of course there are a lot of factors that drive success or failure. But among the blogs that succeeded on a huge scale, we noticed two common factors.

First, the breakthrough blogs had a strong editorial calendar. And second, they used a thoughtful, strategic approach to managing editorial content.

What is an editorial calendar, and why do you need one?

An editorial calendar is just a fancy term for a publishing schedule.

If you blog regularly, you should look ahead at least one month and make some decisions about which posts you want to publish on what dates.

It’s really that simple.

An editorial calendar is the foundation of strategic blogging. That little bit of planning goes a surprisingly long way toward getting the most audience reach from your blog content.

1. An editorial calendar lets you plan ahead

By planning your posts ahead of time, you drive perseverance.

An editorial calendar encourages blogging as a habit, wards off writer’s block, and ensures that you never miss another deadline.

It’s a small, subtle thing, but you’ll be surprised at the difference it makes in your mindset.

2. An editorial calendar adds structure to your creativity

Many bloggers worry that an editorial calendar will straitjacket their creativity. Actually, the opposite is true.

Writing comes to many of us in waves. Struck by a bolt of inspiration, a blogger can write two or three posts in an afternoon.

That’s fine — keep writing about what inspires you. Then use your editorial calendar to publish each post according to a plan that keeps your target audience in mind.

Staring at that blank screen and trying to come up with a topic can be one of the most stressful aspects of blogging.

But you’ll find that when you make those decisions weeks in advance, you actually come up with more and better ideas. You’ll be more creative, not less.

3. You can take a great concept further

An editorial calendar is a powerful tool for maximizing the reach of your content, while removing the pressure of having to generate new concepts for each post.

Say you’ve got a great topic in mind, one you know your readers care a lot about. There’s no reason to blow it all in one day.

Would it make a valuable series, parceled out over a period of time and then gathered into a content landing page? Could you run some interviews or line up some guest posts on the topic? Or go multimedia and round up a few engaging videos or cartoons on the subject?

Whether you write everything yourself or use guest writers, planning ahead lets you group your content more effectively. Once you start looking at your blog a month at a time, you can develop patterns and make sure your content is well-balanced among all the readers you serve.

4. You can be proactive and capitalize on search trends

When you pair planning with a strong foundation in SEO, you start to build your audience highly efficiently.

An editorial calendar helps you pay better attention to key outreach strategies, such as blog post titles and link building. At a more advanced level, you can use it to plan and time posts related to your target audience’s search behaviors.

Capitalizing on search activity can be as simple as timing posts and topics to synch with public holidays or product launches. Or it can be as complex as doing deep keyword analysis and planning content around trending search terms that will deliver maximum traffic to your blog.

Why Stresslimit developed the WordPress Editorial Calendar Plugin

After years of hacking together editorial calendars for our clients, using Excel spreadsheets and Google Docs, we wound up in a long discussion with our close friend (and brilliant engineer) Zack Grossbart.

Beyond our mutual excitement about blogging and the power of editorial calendar strategy, we shared a passion for open source projects and wanted to give back to the WordPress community. We also wanted to develop a tool that would make our lives and coaching our clients more efficient, easier, and simply cooler.

Our clients were excited about the idea of using an editorial calendar. But there was no single tool that enabled us to eliminate “busy work” and free up more time for strategizing and creativity.

We were also in synch with Zack on our love for creating simple, intuitive interfaces that help people manage complex behaviors.

An eight-month collaborative project was born: co-developing, co-designing and re-iterating the WordPress Editorial Calendar.

We’re excited to announce the launch of version 1.0 of our editorial calendar plugin, which is (in our humble opinion) the killer tool for managing and driving the success of any blog — from the small and personal to the large and corporate.

We invite you to take the WordPress Editorial Calendar Plugin for a spin at this link. It’s free, and we think you’re going to get a lot out of it.

Here are some of the things you can do with the plugin

  • See a month’s worth of posts at a glance.
  • Juggle your calendar by simply dragging and dropping posts from day to day.
  • Quickly edit your posts’ titles, contents, and publishing times.
  • Publish posts or manage drafts.
  • Instantly see the status of your posts.
  • More easily manage posts from multiple authors.

And you can do all of that right from the calendar interface itself. It’s simple and intuitive.

No plugin alone can make you a brilliant strategist. But the WordPress Editorial Calendar is a tool that will encourage more strategic habits, thinking, and behavior. Check it out here.

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What Makes Real Blogging Success?

What makes a successful blog?

What makes a successful blogger?

I have been reflecting on these questions as I start planning out the next stage of my Authority Blogger course. It’s important to me that people get real results, and honestly the only way I can do that is by basing my advice on what has worked for me and other clients, and my getting people to take action.

It Takes a Long Time to Be an Overnight Success

Most of the bloggers you know who write about blogging didn’t start off with that. I recall Chris Brogan saying it took him 11 years to be an overnight success. Darren blogged for a while about spirituality. Brian was a lawyer until he took a blow to his noggin. My experience has not been all high-fives either. In fact, most of it was pretty unglamorous. It did, however, teach me a lot.

My first “blog” was around the mid-90′s. It was a science fiction website, where I would write fanboy postings about Star Trek and Doctor Who. I know, sexy, right?

After that I moved on to writing about another ultra-sexy topic. Programming. Oh yeah! This was where I started getting financial rewards in terms of selling services, paid writing gigs, books, the whole deal. As well as the benefits increasing, that was also where I went through my toughening up process. Developers might look like meek nerds but believe me they can craft a cutting remark ;)

IT Geek, to Programming Geek, to New Media Geek

Lesson: Nobody is delivered into the world fully equipped, and it is not always a smooth path. It is hard work and like most things, most people will fail.

Success is Great, Failing is Good

Of course fast-forward a bit and I did a whole bunch of marketing consulting, copywriting and freelance blogging. Some highs and lows, like anybody. Everything from writing about drug-rehab and having friends and family concerned about my health (they were a client! never touched the stuff!) through to a couple of imploded SaS startups. There were many prideful moments, and also many that were followed by a fall.

Not every blogger is going to make a full time income. Of course not. Most people do not intend to, and of those that do, only a minority will put in the effort. Even with best intentions and lots of energy exhausted we can still fail. This is no different to starting a business, launching a career, or higher education. Failure rates are high everywhere.

Lesson: Put in the effort and don’t expect plain sailing. We learn a great deal from our mistakes, especially if we work out how to prevent them in future. Our successes can be educational, providing we learn how we achieved them and why what we did worked.

The Difference Between Successful Blogs and Obscurity

This might be a tough message to hear. We want to create. Craft compelling writing. And it is about that, but we also need people to do stuff or think differently because of our content.

We have to encourage people to subscribe, share, and maybe buy.

Lesson: Successful blogs are about persuasion. You might not have a financial outcome, but you do want to create a result. Leave the reader with an idea, an action, a next-step, and so on.

Content Follows Purpose

Therefore it might sound strange to read me say this but I don’t consider myself a blogger. Not in the way most people would describe it.

Do I blog? Yes, but as a means to an end. I am a marketer and a teacher. Do I call myself a “whiteboard artist” or “telephone user”?

When I am writing for a client blog, I am a freelance writer. If I am building awareness of my product, I am marketing. To get people to be interested in buying, I am a salesman.

This is my website where I encourage people to opt-in to have my content delivered via email and RSS. Of course I like helping people with my free advice, but I also have to put food on the table by people paying me. Therefore this is not just a blog, but a relationship and reputation builder.

My goals with all of this stuff have always been greater freedom and security for my family and myself. This is at the back of my mind as I work. My means to that end is helping and advising the maximum number of people to get closer to their own goals. It is fulfilling and rewarding to see people make progress without the financial benefits, but being paid to achieve that is wonderful.

You have to put your audience first. This stops outside criticism hurting so much, and means you will always be on the right track. Intentions count for a lot. Think long term, rather than aiming for a quick win. The reason I think what I do continues to be valuable and worthwhile over this period of time is because I want people to succeed with my stuff. I’ll only recommend stuff I have full faith in because of a personal experience or relationship, and the stuff I create myself I try my best to make it as good as it can be.

Lesson: What is the purpose behind your blogging?

You must answer this, then build your approach around that outcome.

Turn Your Blog Around With These 10 Quick Tips

  1. Start with your end-goal in mind, what change/action/outcome do you want to bring about?
  2. Craft your content to work towards a satisfying conclusion.
  3. You must answer WIIFM (“What’s In It For Me?”) on behalf of the audience. Avoid “So What?”.
  4. What is the big point you want to deliver?
  5. Headlines matter - 80% will read headline, but only 20% will read the rest.
  6. Compelling headlines are Specific. Beneficial. Intriguing. Unusual.
  7. Add emotion and urgency to get more clicks.
  8. Openings should Tease, Question, Shock, or otherwise pull the reader in.
  9. Anecdotes and stories deliver information subconsciously, but must stay on point.
  10. Your reader is King. Focus on them, what can you do for your audience?


I guess bottom line is this. We get obsessed with the activity of blogging, and we look at the surface of others who blog. Success comes from digging under the hood and working towards an intention and a purpose.

What have I missed? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments ….

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Are We Developing Young Bloggers?

Many of us want to be an entrepreneur, be our own boss, and make money online with a blog. For adults it can be scary and take a long time because we can’t give up the weekly paycheck to follow an endeavor full time. On the other hand there are many people who are already making a full time living online and have the luxury of being at home with the family.

For those who have children, are you missing the opportunity to develop entrepreneurship in your kids? Are you encouraging them to learn the basics of making money online and building their own income?

Most kids are already on the Internet listening to music, playing games and interacting with their friends and other people their age. Wouldn’t it be great if they spent more of that online time building their future and learning how to create their own business?

I found several websites that are ran by or were created by teens. These young people saw a need for catering to their peers and have built very successful websites by doing so. You can find links to those sites at the end of this post.

Benefits of encouraging entrepreneurship in your children:

* Learn to be self-sufficient – They can be their own boss and not depend on others for their livelihood.

* Build effective leadership qualities – It will teach them leadership skills so if they later decide to enter the job force they already have experience in leading a team.

* Decision making – Running their own website or blog will help them to learn how to make smart decisions in the business world.

* Build confidence – Running their own successful website will give them the confidence they need to go for bigger and better things in life.

* Success mindset – They will develop the mindset of being successful and taking risks that other people their age might not take.

The average parent teaches their children to make good grades in school and to attend college so they can secure a good job. As successful bloggers we know this is not the only way to secure our future. In fact the educational system usually leaves a young person pretty deep in debt by the time they graduate college. It doesn’t have to be that way. There is nothing wrong with a higher education, but wouldn’t it be better if they were running a successful business of their own to help cover the costs of college?

As bloggers, we also know the startup costs of a website are extremely low compared to a traditional business. The potential to make money can also be greater than that of a traditional business.

Lessons to teach your child about business and entrepreneurship:

* Any idea can be a good business idea.

* Research all ideas to see if the market is in need.

* Follow through with the idea before giving up too soon.

* Failure is a learning experience; not the end of the world.

* A profitable business requires work and testing results.

* Creativity goes a long way with a great idea.

* Being innovative will push you ahead of competition.

Remind your child that some business ideas can lead to great success, while others provide an incredible learning experience. Some ventures will prove to be highly profitable, while others may only produce a few dollars. The key is to teach your children to be resilient and keep moving forward toward their dreams.

If your child’s business ideas succeed, continue to encourage them to seek greater levels of success. Along the way, continue to promote self-sufficiency, independent thinking, and confidence. With these three traits, young bloggers have a better chance at success than other people their age.

Websites started or ran by young bloggers:

Miss O and Friends

Josh Lam

Stanley Tang

Ben Cathers


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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Use WP Spire to Power Sales Pages

The great thing about WordPress is that it is such a robust content management system and while it is fantastic for blogging, it is a platform that can also be used for other purposes. You just need to add the right tools and modifications to make it work.

From an Internet marketing perspective, one of the more interesting products is WordPress Spire. Available as a WordPress plugin or as a WordPress theme, this product can effectively let you create multiple WordPress sales pages, landing pages, and squeeze pages.

Multiple Designs for Multiple Purposes

You may have encountered some other products that allow you to use WordPress to power your sales page, but WordPress Spire goes a little further than that by offering a huge range of design options.

The sales page design is easily configurable to include custom backgrounds, different page widths, different headers, footers, image boxes, and other features. You can also use it to generate landing pages, squeeze pages, and even mini-sites.

Going further, the same domain can be used for multiple sales pages, each with a different design. This is particularly powerful if you have a single brand to promote multiple products. Each WordPress post can be its own sales page, looking totally different from the other posts on your single WordPress installation.

A Simplified User Interface

Dealing with messy HTML and PHP code is a thing of the past. Yes, the coders still have to deal with that kind of thing, but the “end user” webmaster can get a lot going on with much easier to understand menus.

This is the case with WordPress Spire too. The various theme options and features can all be accessed through the WordPress dashboard. Click on the appropriate menu item, access the right section, and you can change just about everything you want.

It is here that you can add and remove things like opt-in boxes, testimonial boxes, and header images. To add these to your posts, for instance, all you have to do is make use of the numerous shortcodes that are included with the themes.

Combine with Split-Testing for Optimal Results

Want to see which designs work the best for your purposes? Since all you need is a single WordPress installation with WordPress Spire, you can make use of some great split-testing to see what design elements result in the best conversion rates.

The options and features in WordPress Spire are easy enough to change, so you really can try a range of different designs without dabbling too deeply into the raw code. If you’re an Internet marketer looking for an easier way to develop sales pages and squeeze pages, WordPress Spire looks like a good bet.

The theme version is currently on sale for $77, representing a $50 savings from the regular price of $127. This grants you a license for unlimited installations on your own personally-owned sites.

Link: WordPress Spire

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Color Psychology – How To Use It In Your Blog?

- Makes people impulsive and want to click. Use red on "click here" buttons or text. The reason red makes people impulsive is because it is a very bright color that stimulates the mind and increases circulation.

Green - Makes people think of money. So if you have an affiliate site or a money making site green will be a great color to use. Use it in your banners, small amounts of text and images.

Blue - Helps people relax and be calm. It will help people stay longer on your site. So make sure to mostly use blue in your site. But use a shade that is not bright and is easy on the eyes. Use a light or medium blue in your background, in banners and images. This is a great color to use if you have a moneymaking blog. I have noticed allot of moneymaking blogs are using blue in their site.

Silver - Using this color in your website will make people feel your site has value and is worth more. Silver makes people think of expensive, modern, smooth and technical things. Don't use silver too much because it can hurt the eyes. Use a small bit in your blog. You can use it in your decorations and some of your text. But don't over do it.

Purple - Helps people trust you more. Use the colors purple, blue and white together. I learned these 3 colors work very well together. Purple will make people feel you are loyal, trust worthy; creative and you have cutting edge products!

Pink - People will feel your products are trendy and sophisticated by using this color in your site. It also means love, sweet, youth and is feminine. So if you want guys going to your website, don't use too much of it. Use a little bit through out your website instead.

Orange - Using a small amount of orange in your site will let people know your fun and they can enjoy talking to you. It's an inviting color. Have you noticed how most of the RSS feed colors are orange? I believe they chose that color for a specific reason. So people feel invited to be added to your feed! So don't stop using orange for your RSS feed buttons. I think it’s an excellent choice of color.

Yellow - This is a great color to highlight a small amount of text in your sales page. But don't over use it because some people can get angry or anxious with this color. I would suggest only using this color once or twice in your website and sales page.

Brown - Using a little bit of brown in your website will let people know your dependable and friendly. United Parcel Service uses this color so people feel they can depend on them for fast deliveries. You should definitely use this color in your website.

White - Is great to attract attention to your website and have a clean feel for your site. People will feel there is fresh things on your website with this simple but popular color.

Black - Try using less black in your site and more blue and white. Too much black text can hurt people's eyes. I enjoy dark gray text in my articles. It's easier on my eyes. Black is good to use in titles, banners and a small amount of text. I want my readers to read all of my articles and not have trouble when reading them.

I hope you enjoyed learning about color psychology and how to use colors in your blog the right way. If you enjoyed reading this article and feel you learned valuable information please stop by and read more articles from my site. I hope to meet you there. My website is

[Image credit: Tiger Color]

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The One Thing Keeping You from Being a Blogging Master

Ahh, grasshopper.

Blogging master, you already are.

You just need to release your inner truth.

Have you noticed that most big time bloggers aren’t much better writers than you are?

The difference between you and them is not how they string words together, but it’s in their ability to connect to your emotional side. They know what they want to say and how to connect to their people’s hearts. They do this so well because of their intrapersonal relationship.

They’ve taken time to reflect on what excites them, so when they write, their readers are excited.

I know that I look forward to a new Daily Blog Tips article in my RSS feed.

How do they do it?

Most people will tell you that they love to write, share, build a business, etc. But that’s just a part of it.


Probloggers such as Daniel aren’t afraid to let their true selves out. They embrace the fear of writing something that people might disagree with. They put themselves in uncomfortable positions because they want to stand out from the crowd.

Many of you hold back from saying what is truly in your heart. You’re afraid of the reaction that might occur. This is completely understandable, but the only way you will break through and create a blog that people keep coming back to is to create something that people can’t get anywhere else.

You have to create connections with people that allow for deep connections.

Building Relationships

The only way your blog will be read by a stadium sized tribe is if you build great relationships.

If you want to influence, you must have people who believe in you.

I teach people how to build better relationships because it’s the best way to increase happiness in a career. When you work with happy people, it’s easier to be happy yourself. When you have an audience who loves what you create, it’s easier to create great content.

It’s hard to create these emotional connections, whether you are a blogger or just trying to build your career. Daniel is good at it. Leo is good at it. Brian is good at it.

Their people trust them and keep coming back for more.

Get Good at Pulling on the Heart Strings

You have to connect with your audience through their emotions. That means being so well connected with yourself that you believe and love every word you type, talk, and sing.

If you don’t know what you believe, no one will follow and share with their friends what you have to say. You say you believe in yourself, but do you really?

That’s the key to creating your tribe: believing so intensely in what you write that people listen. That means knowing yourself so well that it sometimes hurts. You have to ask yourself the tough questions. You know you do this when you ask yourself questions that push you outside of your comfort zone.

By pushing past your limits, you’ll discover the best way to create that emotional connection.

5 Whys

The “5 Whys” method to help them get to the heart of a problem. There was an inclination for their workers to solve the symptoms instead of getting to the root cause of a problem. If you want to be a blogger who has a lot of influence then you must dig deep.

I like to think of this as a chance to do a little meditation. My “5 Whys Meditation” has been instrumental in my happiness and success.

Give it a try. Kick up your feet, close your laptop and just calmly breathe in and out as you go through the 5 whys. You’ll love the results.

For example, if I’m having trouble writing an article about sex in the workplace I ask myself “why” 5 times.

  1. Why: Because I’m not in the mood.
  2. Why: Because I’m not sure that people would be interested.
  3. Why: Because it’s a delicate topic.
  4. Why: Because I would have to interview people about this sensitive topic.
  5. Why: Because it’s not easy to write about something I’ve never done.

It’s at this point that I need to either pick a new topic that I know about or interview people who have had intimate relationships with co-workers.

Then grasshopper you are ready…

Only when you have solid intrapersonal skills can you develop interpersonal skills that keep people wanting more.

If you want to build these skills, remember these three letters: S, H and V.


You must tell a story every time you write. I don’t care if you are writing about human genetics. Tell a gripping story and people will want more.


Before you press post, make sure that you believe with all your being in what you wrote. If it doesn’t feel 100% to you, it sure as heck won’t feel 100% to your readers.


Are you giving your readers something they can use when they are done reading? If you make them laugh, you did your job. If you make them want more, you did your job. If you open their eyes to a new perspective, you did your job.

Now grasshopper, you don’t need me any longer.

You actually never needed me. You just need to listen to that little voice in your heart that knows what the world needs to hear.

You know that you have what it takes. Let go of that fear and build the relationships so your tribe sings your praises to all their friends.

About the Author: Karl Staib of Work Happy Now created an e-course called Fear to Fuel to help people face their arch nemesis and do work that they love.

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Join the 2010 More Buyers Mastermind

The make money online segment of the blogosphere has had its fair share of dubious characters selling their wares over the last few years.

However one guy that has consistently produced both valuable and helpful content as well as being a true gentleman and ethical business person is Dave Navaro.

Dave has produced some great resources of late to help people monetize their blogs by launching products and today has launched a new program – the 2010 More Buyers Mastermind.

Dave’s been so helpful to many ProBlogger readers in their journey that when he asked me to be interviewed for his Mastermind course I leapt at the opportunity.

We recorded a hour long call on the topic of ‘Attracting the Right Readers to Your Blog’.


My call is just one of 14 that you get – others include Brian Clark, Naomi Dunford, Laura Roeder, Chris Brogan, Johnny B. Truant and Lynn Terry.

Topics are varied but all revolve around making your online business more profitable including:

  • Becoming the Dominant Site in Your Niche
  • Getting People to Buy Every Thing You Make
  • Selling with Social Media (without being Spammy)
  • Creating a Mindset that Grows Your Business
  • Becoming the Recognized Leader in Your Field
  • Becoming the Trusted Authority in Your Niche
  • Selling High Ticket Products
  • Building a Personality Based Brand
  • Making Every Promotion More Profitable
  • Growing Your Business with a Team
  • Promoting as an Affiliate (without being Cheesey)

Dave’s also doing 14 followup Q&A/Coaching sessions and has created some great ‘action plans’ that you get as well.

Until this Friday the 2010 More Buyers Mastermind course is $197. After Friday it goes up to $397 so if you think it is for you – you should sign up today. It’s fully guaranteed for 60 days so if you find it isn’t for you you can get your money back – no questions asked.

Grab Your Copy Today.

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